
Boost Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur

Nothing hurts your confidence worse than those nagging “what if” thoughts. Confidence issues can wreak havoc on our goals and make it difficult to put ourselves out there, help others, share our natural gifts and live life to the fullest.

5 Tips to Build Confidence as a New Business Owner

Starting a new business takes a lot of courage, especially when you are a solo online business owner doing all the marketing and promotion on your own. You’re giddy with excitement, high on new ideas and you can’t wait to jump in and bring it all to life. At the same time, you’re probably also terrified.

5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever had a sudden fear that maybe you aren’t as good as you thought – or doubted your skills and abilities? Imposter syndrome is an intense feeling of doubt and inadequacy that you can’t do what you say you can do, or a fear that you are just biding time until someone finds out what a fraud you are.

How To Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

Instagram stories can be a powerful, effective, and fun way to advertise your business and build Know, Like, Trust. If people know you, like you, and trust you, they are way more likely to buy from you and Insta stories are a great place to do this within your community.