With so many users on social media, your ideal clients and customers are EVERYWHERE…but it probably doesn’t feel like that if you are just starting out or are experiencing a lull in engagement!
After coaching my clients on how to use social media marketing to reach their goals and using it myself, I have noticed a few things that help businesses stand out and make an impact.
How to Make Your Business Stand Out on Social Media
If you are needing a refresh or are totally new, these tips will help you stand out on Facebook, Instagram, or really any online platform.
1. It Is Not About You
Most people get too focused on sharing about themselves and their opinions, but it’s important to keep in mind what it is about you that your customers and clients ACTUALLY care about.
Your story is important to build trust and help people get to know you and your business, but customers and clients ONLY care about “what’s in it for them”.
So if your audience is inspired by your style, make sure you have some consistency & clarity about what you post and why. If you sell stock photos, your customers don’t care that you had so much fun creating your new collection, they care if your new collection fits their vision & brand perfectly.
2. Build Relationships
One of the most challenging and often confusing things about social media is defining what a “relationship” is and how to communicate appropriately.
We all know the “out of the blue” sales messages that are often presumptive or insulting are the wrong thing to do, but if you never send DMs or connect with your people, you are missing out on opportunities.
I think what is confusing about this is the term “friend” on Facebook, which has evolved to mean follower.
As a business, you are not making “friends” on social media, you are cultivating professional relationships organically.
In a nutshell, to start developing relationships you need to engage, ask questions, listen, and make offers in an appropriate and natural timeline – days or weeks – not all in one message.
3. Be Human
Like I stated above, relationships need to be built professionally, but that doesn’t mean you need to communicate like a chatbot.
With so many big companies, it’s refreshing to get a kind message, thoughtful comment, personalized voice message or video.
If someone isn’t your ideal client or customer, keep their info and refer them to someone else. Send them posts or articles that remind you of them.
Show that you are a human in your comments with your personality, humor, or share something you have in common. It’s easy to forget something so simple, but it is a great way to stand out on social media.
4. Create a Pattern Interrupt
If you have a tendency to compare, it’s easy to fall into the trends and make your posts, accounts, branding, and captions look like everyone else’s.
Which means that all you are making is boring content that blends in.
Don’t be afraid to look different and make bold statements.
Think outside the box – how can you grab people’s attention and make them want to know more?
Don’t overthink it, just be your bold, brave self!
5. Give, Give, Give
One of the best ways to build a following and network with other people is to give more than you receive.
Give referrals, tag people in your posts. Shout out other accounts in your stories and share why they are awesome.
Purchase someone’s product and tag them in your race review.
Invite other businesses and accounts to post or go live.
Share someone else’s video on your feed or in your group.
Find podcasts or blogs to guest on.
Think big and give big.
It not only helps you make an impact, it feels really good to be part of a supportive community.
Growing Your Brand on Social Media
Once you start using these tips consistently, you’ll notice a big increase in your engagement and network.
If you need more tips for social media, follow me on Instagram.
Don’t be shy – after you follow me, send me a DM and say hi!