If you are trying to sell your creations online, social media marketing is the easiest way to attract customers, drive traffic to your website, and get front of the right people. But it is also the most overwhelming and frustrating part of business for a lot of people – especially introverts.
So let me ask you this:
Does the idea of daily posting of videos, photos, talking about yourself, engaging with customers, and attending events make you uncomfortable and tired just thinking about it? Let me guess…are you also an introvert?
If you are, I’m not surprised – and you are not alone. Social media marketing can be draining and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be that way! With some simple strategies, you can make social media marketing much easier on yourself – and maybe even enjoy it!
Let me first clarify that there is a difference between introversion (the way you move through the world, respond to situations, and expend energy) and other issues like anxiety, low self-esteem, low self-worth and fear.
FEAR and INTROVERSION are two different things. So make sure that you are dealing with your fears and insecurities as well as honoring your introverted energy.
Sometimes introverts are taught their natural tendencies are bad, so they begin to develop anxiety and shame. It’s important to work on healing these wounds with therapy or coaching. I do a lot of this type of coaching with my clients because of my counseling background, but I also think that seeing a therapist in addition to coaching will help you be more successful if you need it.
These things don’t just go away on their own, so I suggest finding the best methods of healing for yourself. There are many ways to relieve symptoms, but the real work is healing those old wounds. Your life will be so much easier if you do!
So let’s get back to the subject of introverts and marketing. Once you separate your wounds from your natural tendencies, you can really start marketing authentically and organically. You can truly connect with your people without overthinking and getting in your own way.
Introverts can actually use their natural tendencies to be amazing marketers because online relationships are built around authentic communication and trust as opposed to sales-y tactics and small talk…*gag*
Here are a few tips to help you market your business in a way that feels good to you:
- Accept the fact that you must promote more than you think. I know what you are thinking: you don’t want to bother anyone, you don’t want to be annoying, you are imagining all the disgusted looks and grunts from people on the other side of their screens when they see you post about your business for the millionth time..but the fact is – that isn’t your client. Your ideal client WANTS to hear from you and they are actually looking for you have to offer. Here’s the facts: Thirty years ago, someone may have only needed to see an advertisement 3 times before deciding to buy a product. Now it’s closer to 20-30 times. That doesn’t mean you smack them over the head with it, but it does mean that promoting consistently is super important. No one is going to see EVERY single promotion you post. It’s likely they miss or forget most of what appears on social media. There isn’t a single follower that sees (and remembers) every single thing you post, so don’t assume that they do!
- You can be yourself, as long as you are showing up and do your best. You do not have to make people believe you are extroverted or someone you are not, but you DO have show up as someone trustworthy, reliable, knowledgeable, and confident in what you sell. If you aren’t sure if you should post something or if you feel like something is too personal or not personal enough – just decide what kind of business you want to have. Some people are very social and share a lot of themselves online. Others share just enough to give their customers enough information to know, like, and trust them. Both can be successful. Ask yourself what feels best to you as the leader of your business.
- Selling is probably easier for you than you think. Sales is about relationships and connection, so if you focus on building authentic relationships, you will make more sales. You are never trying to sell someone something they don’t want, or make someone uncomfortable. Marketing is what gets your work in front of the right people, so being “sales-y” isn’t necessary.
- Marketing is SO much easier when you are clear and confident about what you sell and who it is for. If you can’t define the “what” and the “who” clearly and easily, it’s time to go back to basics and figure that out. Sometimes it’s just a matter of deciding, and sometimes it’s putting into words what you already know. Either way – it has to be clear!
- Detach emotionally from your marketing tasks. This is a biggie!! I don’t know about you – but when I am posting on social media, it becomes an imaginary conversation in my head and that in itself becomes exhausting. Whenever I get on Facebook, I am blasted with messages that can really bum me out. It’s SO much easier when you plan ahead, and “batch” your content – meaning you create a week’s worth of posts (or more) all at once. That way, promoting yourself becomes another task to check off a list and you aren’t drained by imaginary social interactions.
- Stay off social media except for marketing and engaging. It takes some practice and discipline, but soon you will have SO much more time and mental space for other things. No more social-media burnout!
For more support growing your creative business, check out my Work With Me page to learn more.