Are you ready to turn your passion into profit? Great! I am always so excited when people want to take the leap and build a business of their own – doing what they love.
Since I teach people how to turn their creative skills into something they can sell – I have a lot to say about this subject! But, what I want you to know first and foremost is that turning your hobby into a business is actually a really simple process. That said – we humans love to make that process really complicated and add in a lot of unnecessary drama with our doubts and limiting beliefs.
In this post, I’m going to lay out the steps to turn your hobby into a business that actually makes you money! This is just an overview – so if any part of it seems overwhelming, don’t worry! I have lots of resources to help you in my membership program.
STEP ONE: You must be clear and specific about what you offer. In the past you may have offered up your services or skills to anyone with a random request, but now is the time to really narrow down what you create and offer. Just because you CAN make something doesn’t mean you should. Especially if it takes time and energy away from what really lights you up.
STEP TWO: Make a plan. You need a plan for how you will sell – online or in-person. Wholesale to other businesses or your own online shop. At vendor fairs or brick & mortar stores. Do you want to sell to individuals or to businesses? Map out your dream and then take action to make it happen. You need to decide how you will take payments, stay organized, manage your finance and workflows.
STEP THREE: Price effectively. You need to do the math and price what you sell like a business owner – meaning you charge enough to make a profit and pay all of your expenses associated with production, supplies, taxes, payment processing, marketing, packaging, shipping, fees, professional development, etc. That said – when you are starting a NEW service or product and you aren’t confident or don’t have results and testimonials to share – it makes perfect sense to start with a low price to a few people. Think of it as an investment in valuable feedback & market research before you have an official launch.
STEP FOUR: Identify your target market. These are the people you want to be talking to. No one else matters! You need to decide who you are serving with your business, where they are and how you will communicate with them. Maybe for you that means Instagram, Facebook groups, or YouTube. Maybe it means driving traffic to your website or shop. It can help to search for customer avatars to help you nail who your ideal client is, but don’t overthink it at first. Sometimes we need to just get out of our comfort zone and have conversations with people to learn more about them and what they think of what we sell. Ask open-ended questions and really listen!
STEP FIVE: Market like a pro. No more random posting on social media, lackluster photos, and checking how many likes you get. When you market for a business, you need to be consistent, clear and goal oriented. You DO NOT need to do anything perfectly – just do some planning and make sure that when you are marketing it’s clear who you are and what you do. But remember – marketing is a multi-step process. You must have a strategy to attract people, engage, nurture, promote and sell. Don’t skip steps!
STEP SIX: Network with confidence. Now is not the time to hide and play small. If anyone is going to know about your business, you have to start telling people about it. Network with other businesses, reach out to your target market on social media, collaborate with other entrepreneurs. The purpose is not to sell, it’s to build professional relationships by learning and sharing.
STEP SEVEN: Get help. No one does it alone, so you think about what you need help with the most. For some things, videos or courses may be all you need, but if something is overwhelming, you need to invest in help sooner rather than later. You might need some guidance from a business or marketing coach, a bookkeeper, a graphic designer or a web developer. Consider joining a membership like mine – Creative Business Simplified – which is full of trainings, resources, and personalized support to help you grow your business. I also offer 1:1 coaching that can help you get your plan, strategy, and confidence in place quickly and simply. You can learn more about my programs here.
There you have it! These steps take effort and discipline, but if you remember to keep it simple and take it one step at a time, you CAN build a business from your hobby that allows you the freedom to do what you love AND make the income you want!